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The Devil’s Cradle


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The story of Finnish Black metal! 

The Devil’s Cradle book (English version).

“The Devil’s Cradle: The Story of Finnish Black Metal” by Helsinki-based journalist Tero Ikäheimonen is a definite history of one of the most uncompromising and brutal music scenes in the world: the Finnish Black Metal.

Based on over 50 interviews done between 2014 and 2016, the book unravels the story from late 80’s to modern days featuring such bands as: Beherit, Impaled Nazarene, Barathrum, Archgoat, Azazel, Diaboli, Darkwoods My Betrothed, Horna, Vornat,

Thy Serpent, Wanderer. Urn, Black Dawn, …And Oceans, Musta Surma, Alghazanth, Azaghal, Warloghe, Behexen, Clandestine Blaze, Satanic Warmaster, Ride for Revenge, Goatmoon. IC Rex, Charnel Winds, Cosmic Church, Saturnian Mist, Rienaus and Abyssion


Check another review of the book here: Book Review: The Devil’s Cradle 
Third Eye Cinema, part of their review below, check the whole story here:

“…One of the more interesting and appreciated items I’ve been asked to review is a recent release from Svart Records’ publishing arm. Namely a book focused specifically on the history of Finnish black metal.

Originally published in Finnish (as you might expect). The translation is rather good, with little if any of the stiltedness that often accompanies published transliterations between languages.

While a bit didactic at times and not always as smooth as might be hoped. In terms of phrasing and colloquial usage. Chances are the average reader would be hard pressed to tell this wasn’t originally written for the idiom. Already nice work, before we even get into the meat of the matter.

The book in question is The Devil’s Cradle by a Tero Ikaheimonen. A 550 plus page monster of a book, filled mainly with interviews. But also some more omniscient critical discussion and even a bit of related research in the sections on crime.  

But the bulk of this rests on its interviews, as was the case with one of the more recently published of the books I’m about to mention….”

Also recommended: Isten Fanzine: Churches


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Weight 1250 g

