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Vinterriket: Momente ambivalenter Ebenbilder der Zeit Impressionen eines Wanderers I


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Vinterriket: Momente ambivalenter Ebenbilder der Zeit Impressionen eines Wanderers I. The first book by this still underground solo act. Vinterriket!

Professionally printed 80-page book, including selected pictures from 1997-2007 taken by Vinterriket.

22 chapters of unreleased written text, all lyrics ever written by Vinterriket in the years 1997-2007 and all lyrics from the Vinterriket side-projects (AtomtraktNebelkorona etc).

Limited to 500 copies. Very high quality, hardback, A4 landscape book, shrinkwrapped.

An astonishingly beautiful presentation from this cult German act.

Vinterriket: Momente ambivalenter Ebenbilder der Zeit Impressionen eines Wanderers I

Some info about the artist below. check the full interview here

You have done both black metal and ambient albums under this name, which one of the two styles do you prefer doing and how would you compare both of them?

Approximately 80 % of all music (Vinterriket) could be classified as dark ambient. Some of the older stuff is in the BM vein. Sometimes it is good to do a mix of both styles. I have to be in the right mood to do that. Mainly Vinterriket is dark ambient, however on the latest record Vinterriket got a more Dark Neofolk-like touch because of the acoustic guitars.

What is the meaning behind the band’s name?

Vinterriket is Norwegian/Swedish and means “The Winterrealm”.

You have participated in alot of projects over the years, which ones are you doing these days and which one would you consider as your main project?

Currently I am running the following projects. All of them are “main” I would say.
Vinterriket (Dark Ambient / BM/ Neofolk)
Atomtrakt (Martial & Cold Industrial)
Nebelkorona (“Romantic”Ambient/Neofolk)
Sturmpercht (Alpine Folk)
Fräkmündt (Swiss Ur-Folk)
Battle Dagorath (BM)
Lufschutzkerker (my audio mastering business)

How has your music been recieved so far by both black metal and ambient fans worldwide?

Vinterriket is well known in the ambient & BM scene I would say. However, I do not care that much about “scenes”. If people like the music (regardless to which scene they belong to) I am honored, if not, I do not care

What direction do you see the music heading into on future releases?

The new album will start where “Horizontmelancholie” ended: Dark Ambient mixed with Neofolk. However, in the future there might be an album with a different style… I dod not know. I just do what I feel to do. I.e. in the future there might be again a BM record or something completely different.

What are some bands or musical styles that have influenced your music and what are you listening to nowadays?

I am listening to all kinds of music. As long as the music is interesting, dark, original and melancholic. Those parameters need to be fulfilled. I mean, everybody gets influenced by a lot of things: books, films, memories, friends, whatever. My main source of inspiration for Vinterriket is the dark side of nature I would say.


Recommended books:
Vinterriket: Spiegel der Wirklichkeit Impressionen eines Wanderers II
Vinterriket: Im Antlitz der Ferne Impressionen eines Wanderers III

Additional information

Weight 610 g


Limited Edition

